
作品に「遊泳」「暗転」「飛ぶフライパン」「ゲームオーバー」「見る人」「KAMI/解体」「ON THE CIRCLE」「肉体と鉄棒」など。写真集に「FLYING FRYING PAN」(写像工房)、「ON THE CIRCLE」(赤々舎)、「BLACKOUT」(L’Artiere)、「WATCHERS」(ふげん社)
2020.2.5-3.1 普後均写真集「WATCHERS」刊行記念展(詳細はこちら)
2020.6.11 -6.28 緊急企画展「東京2020 コロナの春」写真家が切り取る緊急事態宣言下の日本(詳細はこちら)
Hitoshi Fugo was born in 1947. After he graduated from the Department of Photography at Nihon University College of Art, he studied with photographer Eikoh Hosoe. He became independent in 1973. He received the Ina Nobuo Award in 2010.
Fugo’s representative works include Floating Around, Blackout, Flying Frying Pan, Game Over, Watchers, Kami/Demolition, On the Circle, Body and Horizontal Bar, etc. His photo books include FLYING FRYING PAN (Shazow Inc), ON THE CIRCLE (AKAAKA Art Publishing Inc) and BLACKOUT(L’Artiere). He also published a book in collaboration with
poet and novelist Natsuki Ikezawa, The Time Given to Man Shall Lapse Sometime And……(Kawade Shobo Shinsha). He had numerous solo exhibitions and also showed his photographs in group exhibitions both in Japan and abroad.
Public Collections:
Tokyo Photographic Art Museum; Kushiro Art Museum, Hokkaido; the National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto; the National Library of France; Los Angeles County Museum of Art; the Museum of Photographic Sciences, San Diego; the Henry Art Gallery at the University of Washington