Takeshi Mizukoshi
水越 武
1938 年愛知県豊橋市生まれ。
主な著書に、『日本の原生林』(岩波書店)、『わたしの山の博物誌』(新潮社)、 『真昼の星への旅』(新潮社)、『最後の辺境ー極北の森林,アフリカの氷河』(中央公論新社)などがある。
◉コラム 水越武の「森の生活」
写真: 新納 翔 文:関根史(ふげん社ディレクター)
2022.11.10-11.27 「アイヌモシㇼ オオカミが見た北海道」(詳細はこちら)
2020.4.2-4.26 「日本アルプスのライチョウ」(詳細はこちら)
2018.11.6-12.1 「MY SENSE OF WONDER」(詳細はこちら)
2015.10.6-10.31 「天上のモノクローム」
He was born in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture in 1938. After dropping out of the Department of Forestry, Tokyo University of Agriculture, he studied photography under Yukio TABUCHI from 1965. It is highly praised for its high mountains in Japan and abroad, including the Northern Alps, Southern Alps, and the Himalayas, as well as for its shooting of primeval forests and tropical rain forests in Japan.
His major books include ‘Primeval forests in Japan’ (Iwanami Shoten), ‘History of my mountains’ (Shinchosha), ‘A Midday Journey to the Star’ (Shinchosha), and ‘the last frontier – the arctic forests, the African glaciers’ (Chuokoron Shinsha).
He received the Domon Ken Award and the Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts. The works are highly appreciated internationally and are housed in museums in Japan and abroad.
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