Mitsugu Ohnishi
1952 年東京深川生まれ。東京綜合写真専門学校卒業。
1970 年代より東京下町や湾岸の人と風景、日本の懐かしい町を撮り続けている。写真集・著書に「下町純情カメラ」、「遠い夏」、「wonderland」、「川の流れる町で」など。個展、企画展多数。
1985 年「河口の町」で第22回太陽賞。
1993 年「遠い夏」ほかにより第 18 回木村伊兵衛写真賞。江戸川区文化奨励賞。
2017 年日本写真協会賞作家賞。
2017 年自主映画監督作品「小名木川物語」を公開。東京造形大学、武蔵野美術大学非常勤講師、大阪芸術大学客員教授を歴任。
現在、日本写真家協会会員、日本写真協会会員、東京綜合写真専 門学校特別講師、ニッコールクラブ顧問
2021.4.1-4.25 「地形録東京・崖」(詳細はこちら)
2020.6.11 -6.28 緊急企画展「東京2020 コロナの春」写真家が切り取る緊急事態宣言下の日本(詳細はこちら)
2019.10.1-10.19 「NEWCOAST 2 なぎさの日々」(詳細はこちら)
2017.3.21-4.8 「川の流れる町で」(詳細はこちら)
He was born in Fukagawa, Tokyo in 1952. He graduated from Tokyo College of Photography.
Since the 1970 s, it has been taking pictures of people and landscapes in downtown Tokyo, the bay area, and the nostalgic towns of Japan. His books and collections of photographs include “Shitamachi Junjo Camera” “a distant summer” “Wonderland” and “in a river town”. There are many solo and planned exhibitions.
In 1985, he received the 22 Solar Award “a town at the mouth of a river”.
1993: Received the 18 Ihei KIMURA photography award for “a distant summer” and others. Edogawa Ward Cultural Encouragement Award.
He received the Photographic Society of Japan Award for Author in 2017.
In 2017, he released “Onagigawa Monogatari” an independent film director. He served as a part-time lecturer at Tokyo Zokei University, Musashino Art University, and a visiting professor at Osaka University of Arts.
Currently, he is a member of the Japan Photographers’ Association, a member of the Japan Photographers’ Association, a special lecturer at Tokyo College of Photography, and an advisor to the Nikkor Club.
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