

SATO Shintaro


  • 1969年東京生まれ




『Geography』(ふげん社, 2019) 、『The Origin of Tokyo』( P.G.I., 2019)、『The Spirit of the Place』(キヤノンギャラリーS, 2014)、『東京・TOKYO 日本の新進作家 vol.13』(東京都写真美術館, 2016)など、国内外で個展、グループ展を多数開催。

写真集に『Geography』(ふげん社,2019)、『非常階段東京 THE ORIGIN OF TOKYO』(2019)、『夜光』(2014)、『東京|天空樹 Risen in the East』(2011)、『非常階段東京  TOKYO TWILIGHT ZONE』(2008)(いずれも青幻舎)などがある。



2019.6.25-7.13 「Geography」(詳細はこちら

2020.6.11-28 東京2020コロナの春〜写真家が切り取る緊急事態宣言下の日本〜(詳細はこちら

SATO Shintaro was born in Tokyo in 1969. He graduated from the To-kyo College of Photography in 1992. He joined Kyodo News as a staff photographer after graduating from the Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sci-ences at Waseda University in 1995, and he has worked as a freelance photographer since 2002. His work is themed around the distinctive at-mosphere – or the “soul” – of Tokyo that is generated from the city’s his-tory and the topography and character of the land itself.

SATO received the Newcomer’s Award from the Photographic Society of Japan in 2009, and the Tadahiko Hayashi Award in 2012. His works have been shown at exhibitions in Japan and abroad, including Geography(Fugensha, 2019), The Origin of Tokyo (P.G.I., 2019), The Spirit of the Place (Canon Gallery S, 2014), and Tokyo Tokyo and TOKYO – Contemporary Japanese Photog-raphy vol.13 (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2016). He is the author of several photography books, including Geography (2019) published by Fugensha, The Origin of Tokyo (2019), Night Lights (2014), Risen in the East (2011), and Tokyo Twilight Zone (2008), published by Seigensha Art Publishing, Inc.